St Valentine's Favorites

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St Valentine's Recipes:

Pink Ribbon Sandwiches

    sliced bread
    Pink cream cheese (made by adding red food coloring to the cream cheese)
    deviled ham
    blended cheeses - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, 1/2 cup of ricotta cheese, 1/4 cup of feta or blue cheese blended together
    peanut butter and jelly
    bologna or other meat
    sliced tomatoes and cucumbers

    1. Start by stacking layers of bread and filling. Until five layers high and cut of all the crusts.

    2. Now spread four slices of bread with your choice of fillings. Stack them up and the last piece of plain bread goes on top.

    3. Wrap in wax paper and refrigerate for an hour so as to make it easier to cut into slices.

    4. Slice into four equal strips. Then lay these on the side so as to show of the filling which looks like ribbons.

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